F.A.Q: Frequently Asked Questions

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The fetal DNA test is a simple and non-invasive diagnostic test complementary to ultrasound, for the detection of genetic anomalies. The test does not cause any risk to the pregnancy and can be peformed from the 10th week of gestation. The test result are ready in a few days.

Test during pregnancy . The test can provide us with more information about some genetic syndromes, if altered chromosomes are detected. Also, with this analysis the sex of the fetus is revealed.

The test has a high detection rate (around 99%) for the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities such as aneuploidies, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards' syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau's syndrome). We can also determine .

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Age is one of the many factors that influence the course of a pregnancy.

Nowadays it is not uncommon to become a mother at an older age, being a successful pregnancy feasible, but taking into account the sum of possible obstetric complications that are related to advanced maternal age.

Possible complications derived from advanced maternal age, although not to be evaluated in isolation, include reproductive difficulties, an increase in the rate of chromosomopathies and miscarriages, multiple gestations, increased blood pressure and diabetes,

The basic recommendations for all pregnancies are the same. However, since there is an increase in maternal-fetal pathology in parallel with advanced age, we insist on certain care during pregnancy that allows us to control better possible undesirable events.

Due to the higher risk of complications, we recommend a more exhaustive follow-up during the pregnancy and series of appropriate measures as the pregnancy develops.

Spesific consideration for advanced maternal age pregnancy include prenatal diagnosis for aneuploidies, a detailed ultrasound at 20 weeks of gestation and close monitoring at the end of pregnancy. Your gynecologist will be able to advise you of the needs arising from this situation, helping you to have a successful outcome.

Toxoplasmosis is an infection transmitted through the transplacental route to the fetus. The mothers are infected for the first time during the pregnancy.

The frequency of this infection depends on the gestational age at which it occurs: 14% in the first trimester, 29% in the second trimester and 59% in the third trimester, overall globally 1-3 infections to 1000 successful births.

The following recommendations are useful in prevention of toxoplasmosis infection during pregnancy:

Cats: Avoid contact with cats and materials contaminated with feces, if not possible, use gloves.

Meat: Do not eat raw or undercooked meat. Similarly, use gloves to handle raw meat or wash your hands after doing so. Avoid hand contact with oral mucosa or eyes when handling it.

Vegetables: Use gloves whenever contact with garden soil. Wash raw fruits and vegetables well. When handled, wash your hands well and avoid contact the mouth or eyes during handling.

Following these measures also prevents Listeria Monocytogenes infection, in addition to only consuming cheeses and dairy products made with pasteurized milk.

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide and the fourth most common cancer in Europe.

HPV infection plays an important role in this cancer, but it should be made clear that having HPV infection is not synonymous with having a cervical cancer.

There are more than 100 different types of HPV, some of which affect the skin giving rise to warts and others affect the mucous membranes.

The ones affecting the mucous membranes, especially in the female or male genital tract, causes lesions:

  • Benign Benign lesions such as papillomas (genital warts), serotypes 6 and 11 being the most common types (90% of cases).

  • Malignant or premalignant which, if associated with risk factors and other cofactors, can lead to cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis and anus, with serotypes 16 and 18 being the most prevalent (70% of cases).

Risk factors and cofactors that influence progression to malignant lesion:

  • Vaccines: Bivalent (serotypes 16 and 18), Tetravalent (serotypes 6,11,16 and 18), Nonavalent (6,11,16,18,31,33,45,52 and 58). These vaccines not only prevent infection in uninfected patients, they also help the production of antibodies in already infected patients and thus keep the virus in a latent (inactive) state, and thus prevent it from causing injury.

  • Cytological screening (cytologies): to perform cytological screening for early detection of lesions and timely treatment. The screening is done at the healthcare center

It is important to know that this tumor is not hereditary, and that as we have already said, having an HPV infection is not synonymous with having cervical cancer.

Prevention: it is very important, both primary (vaccines) and secondary (cytological screening).

Comparison of contraceptive methods commonly used by adolescents.

Comparativa de Métodos Anticonceptivos

Download in PDF of the recommended diet in pregnancy. Download HTC Diet

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